Since its establishment in 2003, VisEra has not only strived for the highest achievements in its core business of dedicated CMOS sensor / Color Filter services, but has also actively developed positive relationships with all stakeholders, including employees, shareholders / investors, customers, suppliers / contractors, government / industry associations and society to raise awareness, responsibility and accountability towards safety and health policy and risks, and pursue a sustainable future together.
To pursue zero accidents and establish an optimal safe and healthy workplace and to be a leading company in safety and health management.
Since its establishment in 2003, VisEra has not only strived for the highest achievements in its core business of dedicated CMOS sensor / Color Filter services, but has also actively developed positive relationships with all internal and external stakeholders, including employees, shareholders/investors, customers, suppliers/contractors, government / industry associations and society to raise awareness, responsibility, and accountability towards environmental protection policies and impacts, and to fulfill responsibility as a corporate citizen and pursue a sustainable future.
To promote environment sustainability and to be a leadiang company in environmental protection management as well as conservation of energy and other resources conservation.
As a global company and an integral part of the complex semiconductor supply chain, VisEra has established and is committed to maintaining a proactive and robust risk and crisis management program to protect the continuing business interests of the Company and our major stakeholders, including our customers.
Specifically, VisEra’s Business Continuity Management Plan entails:
(1) a culture of continuous improvement
(2) an effective and flexible capability to respond to any business continuity challenges, and
(3) a dynamic internal review process and routine exercises to ensure efficient execution of the Business Continuity Management Plan and make improvements accordingly.
VisEra’s objective is to uphold our commitment to uninterrupted business operations, and it is a shared responsibility of the management team together with all of our employees to achieve this objective.
All energy used in the manufacturing process, should be well managed in daily operations.
VisEra is fully committed to its corporate social responsibilities.
VisEra goals are to prevent pollution and efficiently use all resources, production of green products, prevent accidents, improve employees' safety and health, protect property and establish a well-being working environment.